Zip Code | City | County | State | StateFips | CountyFips | Latitude | Longitude | GMT | DST |
99710 | Fairbanks | Fairbanks North Star | AK | 02 | 090 | 64.837900 | -147.716600 | 9 | Y |
99711 | Fairbanks | Fairbanks North Star | AK | 02 | 090 | 64.798100 | -147.530400 | 9 | Y |
99712 | Fairbanks | Fairbanks North Star | AK | 02 | 090 | 65.167944 | -146.590259 | 9 | Y |
99714 | Salcha | Fairbanks North Star | AK | 02 | 090 | 64.691305 | -145.542698 | 9 | Y |
99716 | Two Rivers | Fairbanks North Star | AK | 02 | 090 | 64.798100 | -147.535600 | 9 | Y |
99720 | Allakaket | Yukon Koyukuk | AK | 02 | 290 | 66.534416 | -152.720306 | 9 | Y |
99721 | Anaktuvuk Pass | North Slope | AK | 02 | 185 | 68.136652 | -151.696756 | 9 | Y |
99722 | Arctic Village | Yukon Koyukuk | AK | 02 | 290 | 68.151868 | -145.485017 | 9 | Y |
99723 | Barrow | North Slope | AK | 02 | 185 | 70.292350 | -156.597982 | 9 | Y |
99724 | Beaver | Yukon Koyukuk | AK | 02 | 290 | 66.387197 | -147.325480 | 9 | Y |
Total records: 42036
What is is an online zipcode database tool that allows users to sort, filter, and export zip code data simply and easily. The zip code database is updated on a monthly basis so that our users can always have the most updated information available.
How it works
- You can click on the table headers to sort columns in either ascending or descending order
- Use the filter button to narrow down your zip code database searches to a more managable level
- The radius search button allows you to pick a zip code and locate all the other zip codes that fall within a certain distance from the select zip code.
- The export button allows you to export your filtered and sorted data to a CSV(comma seperated) file that can be used in other external programs. (You must be a registered user to export records)
- The reset button clears all filters and sorts returning the zip code database back to its original state