Zip Code City County State StateFips CountyFips Latitude Longitude GMT DST
05746 Gaysville Windsor VT 50 027 43.710646 -72.754662 5 Y
05747 Granville Addison VT 50 001 44.004860 -72.829344 5 Y
05748 Hancock Addison VT 50 001 43.917600 -72.908428 5 Y
05750 Hydeville Rutland VT 50 021 43.617884 -73.234152 5 Y
05751 Killington Rutland VT 50 021 43.655457 -72.785346 5 Y
05753 Middlebury Addison VT 50 001 43.999029 -73.176136 5 Y
05757 Middletown Springs Rutland VT 50 021 43.484096 -73.123104 5 Y
05758 Mount Holly Rutland VT 50 021 43.421628 -72.798365 5 Y
05759 North Clarendon Rutland VT 50 021 43.536976 -72.952538 5 Y
05760 Orwell Addison VT 50 001 43.787774 -73.298882 5 Y
Total records: 42036

What is is an online zipcode database tool that allows users to sort, filter, and export zip code data simply and easily. The zip code database is updated on a monthly basis so that our users can always have the most updated information available.

How it works

  1. You can click on the table headers to sort columns in either ascending or descending order
  2. Use the filter button to narrow down your zip code database searches to a more managable level
  3. The radius search button allows you to pick a zip code and locate all the other zip codes that fall within a certain distance from the select zip code.
  4. The export button allows you to export your filtered and sorted data to a CSV(comma seperated) file that can be used in other external programs. (You must be a registered user to export records)
  5. The reset button clears all filters and sorts returning the zip code database back to its original state